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CEECC - 2024 Memberships Now Live in the Club Shop!

CEECC - 2024 Memberships Now Live in the Club Shop!

Trudie Dodd24 Apr - 12:17
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Please all read the details below as 2024 memberships are now due!

Dear Players and Parents,

I am pleased to announce that the 2024 Memberships for CEECC are now open and again payments should be made using the Pitchero App if possible (this has the choice of either making a one-off payment or splitting the costs over 10 months). Collecting fees digitally through Pitchero reduces volunteer admin and ensures a clear record of those who are paid members. (Thank you to those who have already manually paid, these payments will be marked accordingly against your/your child's name)

Memberships have slightly increased on last year to cover the ever growing costs the club incurs. The club would appreciate it if memberships are paid promptly following issue of this message, which will aid us with the ongoing costs at this time of year.

Membership of the club is a necessity for any player or person using the club on a regular basis, with benefits including use of our wonderful facilities, coach led training sessions and access to our bar to name a few. The need for membership reflects that we are a members' club, run by members, for members and is part of our constitution.

Please note that club memberships only go a small way towards the running costs of the club, which includes ground fees, utilities, equipment, league memberships, insurances, balls, ground preparation etc. As ever we are indebted to all our sponsors, particularly our new sponsors, Howden and Ellisons, who will help us to continue to improve the club for our members.

Membership Options

• Adult Playing Member - £100
• Women’s Playing Member - £100
• Family Member (2 adult playing members) - £150
• Social Member (non-playing member) - £25
• Junior Playing Member - £100
• Junior Plus 1 Members (1 junior plus a sibling) - £150
• Junior Plus 2 Members (1 junior plus 2 siblings) – £175
• Child Member (any junior U10 or below not in Allstars/Dynamos) - £50
• VP members - £35
• Life Members – No charge

To pay membership fees via the Pitchero App – go to ‘SHOP’ from the main menu, select the applicable option and follow the instructions which takes you through to payment options. (There is an option to split fees across 10 payments in each section if required)

Match Fees will be advised separately.

Alternative payment methods and any issues can be discussed with the Membership Secretary. A person shall only be considered a member on receipt of payment and registering details on Pitchero or confirming what is there. Juniors members need to complete the membership forms (which are posted on the website under documents) for this year please and passed to the Membership Secretary.

Further reading